Your Virtual Communication Toolkit: Tips for Climate Leaders to Engage and Captivate Online Audiences

Welcome to this ECCLPs Micro-Learning Series!

Do you want to learn how to be an impactful communicator on video calls and inspire change in your community? Are you hoping to appear confident and professional on camera? Check out these pro-tips from Lorraine, a top virtual keynote speaker and experienced instructor at LinkedIn Learning Instructor and Stanford Continuing Studies!

Tip #1: Create a Professional Virtual Set-Up

Get ready to level up your virtual communication skills with Lorraine in the ECCLPs Micro-Learning Series! Join her for a thrilling journey where you'll master framing, eye contact, and creating the perfect virtual backdrop. Say goodbye to awkward video setups and hello to confidence and charisma on screen. Don't miss out on this fun-filled series – stay tuned for the next episode on leading meetings like a pro!

*Featured in the ECCLPs December Newsletter

Tip #2: How to Effectively Lead a Meeting

Meet Lorraine, your meeting transformation guru from ECCLPs! She's here to revolutionize your meetings and ensure every voice is heard and valued. Get ready to say goodbye to snooze-fest gatherings as she introduces the "Passive to Active Meeting Framework." With a lively warm-up, active participation, comfortable pauses, attentive listening, and dynamic interactions, she's on a mission to create spaces where every voice shines brightly. Let's make meetings unforgettable and honor everyone's voices together!

*Featured in the ECCLPs January Newsletter

Tip #3: Ideas for Building Engagement Virtually

Welcome to Week 3 of our series! Today, with Lorraine, we're tackling a pressing virtual challenge: making sure everyone's voices are heard and meetings stay engaging. Say goodbye to monotonous gatherings! Discover the power of pattern interrupts, those clever wake-up calls for our brains that ensure diverse participation through activities like polls and videos. And then, dive into brainwriting, the brainstorming dynamo that supercharges creativity by allowing everyone to generate ideas independently. It's all about nurturing a culture that values diverse voices. Join us next week as we unveil the secrets of designing captivating slides – unleash your inner design guru!

*Featured in the ECCLPs February Newsletter

Tip #4: Designing Better Slides

Ever faced a daunting slide crammed with text? We've all been there, either straining to read while the speaker drones on or outright avoiding it. And in the virtual realm, it's an even trickier challenge. But fear not, I'm Lorraine, your ECCLPs consultant, and I've got the inside scoop. In this video, I've got three key tips for virtual content: Visuals steal the show, replace text with memorable images; Fonts should be simple and big for accessibility; and embrace more slides, not fewer, each focusing on one idea and flipping through them quickly for a dopamine-fueled audience. Next time, we dive into the world of feedback, and trust me, it's going to be a game-changer!

*Will be featured in the ECCLPs March 2024 Newsletter

Tip #5: How to Get Actionable Feedback

Welcome to the feedback frontier! I'm Lorraine, your ECCLPs consultant, and I'm here to help you conquer the art of feedback. Shift your perspective to see feedback as an opportunity for growth and constructive conversations. Learn to respectfully disagree by framing your opinions as questions, solicit specific feedback to fuel your improvement, and remember to act on valuable insights. Let's embark on the journey to feedback mastery together!

*Will be featured in the ECCLPs April 2024 Newsletter